Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Anticipation is better than the Experience....

In a month’s time, I ll be back (albeit 4 a small time) to the place where I belong, the place where I have had loads of fun, the place where my loved ones are… INDIA. The very thought of going to places with frenz, having homemade (read not made by me) food, the feeling of security and confidence that I so often get in my sweet home, long but enjoyable train journeys, sound of panjumuttay vaalas in the beach etc. brings chill to my spine. I couldn’t be more excited. With every passing day in my calendar, my face grows brighter (not because I apply Fair & Lovely). The planning of trips within trips, budgeting, planning what 2 get 4 who, etc. etc. gives me a feeling which totally neutralizes and compensates the one I get while doing research.

Having said that, I believe and know that my stay there wouldn’t give me half the joy that I expect. Its not saying that there wouldn’t be any joy. Its just that when I expect a little too much all the time and I believe this is the case with everyone. Whenever anybody plans 4 a trip, always the days leading to the trip are much better than the trip of course. Maybe its because, we think and constantly worry about what’s in store for the future, during the trip we already have the picture of returning back in our mind which ruins everything @ hand. U even curse urself for expecting so high.

I just have one hope. If at all I m having an honeymoon, that should outrank the days preceding it. Adios…
