Friday, May 11, 2012


>May really is the month of hot sun and weddings..isn't it??

>and there is a social compulsion to attend these weddings if you are given an invite (mind you..we wont invite you for our functions if you don't for yours)

>I am 25 now and that means most of the people I know are either married or about to get married and I do respect them enough to attend their weddings (no really I go for the food and for the possibility to meet a Kamalini Mukherjee type figure... In my mind I am always a Kamal hassan)

>This is how I view weddings generally.Lots of flowers are thrown about claiming to be decoration. Too much jewellery is worn by people and they wear funny costumes..especially the groom & bride.. The food is normally excessive and at times delicious. People pass comments like "payyan ok.ponnu sumaaru thaan or payyan konjam vayasaanavan maadiri theriyaraan illa." (The groom is too good for the girl or the groom looks like the girl's dad). Most people invariably spend a big portion of their life savings on their child(ren)'s weddings.. (alaiyapayuthe style wedding with AR Rahman BGM is a myth boss)

>I often end up thinking to myself "Do I really need to have forsaken my pleasures of solitude to have attended this?" Am i going to follow up on the misery of these fellows' married life or will I even see them again?

>I cant but think of George Carlin's quote on Churches -'A place where people gather to compare clothing' and say to myself- Boy this applies very well to weddings..

>And to think I will one day probably have to play clown in this sort of a circus is deeply troubling…

Friday, April 27, 2012


> IIT M maybe famous for many things but the only attraction for me there is the cheap and good food outlets
> As I go into one, there are many female students snacking, chatting, even gorging...
> I spot something peculiar then
> Every single female (student) is sitting with one leg crossed on top of another (even crossing posture it is called.. yes yes.. I googled this phrase)
> The old timers might say that this is arrogance
> The Gen Y probably thinks it is confidence that makes them do this
> As I age, I am not sure which one is right
> But the one thing I am sure of is that the IIT figures are way hotter than the CEG ones...

Monday, April 16, 2012


Location : Nameless Hair Salon, Velachery, 11 am
> I enter into a hot, crowded hair salon.
> I quickly get across to a Dhina-Thanthi (Tamil newspaper) to fan myself (No power supply in Tamil Nadu Boss)
> As I await my turn, I try and eavesdrop on the conversations that are happening around me
> One reasonably groomed fellow says to another " I was not available yesterday da. Went to Vellore to see my sister. She has given birth to twins"
> He goes on.. "Both of them are girls. Now they have 3 girl children.."
> The other person chimes in now "oops. Their lives are screwed.. ain't so?" , he says.
> "No no. The brother in law is trying to sell these twins. He is looking for interested parties inside the hospital itself. Maybe he will get hold of a broker"
> I am shocked.. stunned.. I don't even know how to react to what i have just heard.
> As I exit the salon only one thought comes to mind... This country will forever be a Third World Country...!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Location: Taramani, Chennai; 2 pm
> People around me stand in a synchronized motion
> They say that the earth is shaking
> I can feel nothing really but all are asked to evacuate the building
> As I try to get out, I can feel the building shake
> I see scores of people trying to get out through a cramped staircase
> Some people are genuinely scared; some were exiting anyway to get a smoke
> As we wander out, people say a Tsunami is going to hit us in 3 hours
> 2 thoughts come to my mind instantly on hearing this
> 1- I should have a sumptuous dinner tonight. Probably with ice-cream
> 2- Will the IPL game be cancelled then?
> Now I know what my priorities are in life...!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Location - Taramani, Chennai, 12 pm
>I get into a Share-Auto with 8 other people on a sweltering day to get to my workplace
>Violating all safety & emission norms, the share auto zooms past several traffic cops interested only in harassing motorcycle riders
> An impoverished frail looking old lady extends her arms for a ride to a street 100 meters across the current location of the auto
> The auto driver is happy to take her in and charges twice the amount for this distance
> The old lady is dissapointed
> I look towards the auto driver only to see a glaring red badge
> The following letters are imprinted on it along with a picture of a sickle- CITU
> Now there is one ideology that has NOT GONE WRONG...!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


> Location: Grocery Store, Chennai, 11 am.
> I stand in a line at the cash counter. middle aged guy stands in-front of me
> guy says to his son - "dei, i asked you to bring goldwinner oil da".
> son says "appa, i brought that only no?''
>Dad goes into the store to get the correct item
> I think to myself "what a prick of a guy. the little kid is right"
>comes back with the same oil as the son but with more number of items-cream biscuits, cakes, cool drinks, chocolates and other snacks.
>The son's face lights up. He hugs his dad
>Apparently like love, sometimes, parenting can be beautiful too....!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Vande Mataram - Hail Mother India

When Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay (Chatterjee) penned down the Vande Mataram in 1876, I do not think he would have expected it to be used as a possible means to create an internal revolt. His intentions were rather patriotic. Infact when Janaganamana was criticized by some for being a paean in praise of the then British Emperor, George V, Vande Mataram was considered as a passionate song that kindled patriotism in each and every soul.
Oh! Boy.. This post is going to be controversial…!!!

A few days back, when P Chidambaram attended the Deoband national convention, all he would have had in his mind would have been political motives. The support of Muslim organizations like the Jamait-e-Ulema is absolutely essential for a party which claims itself to be a secular one. But this raises an interesting question.! If u r secular, why even bother attending a religious convention? Would he have taken the time off his busy schedule (when he should have been contemplating and formulating defense strategies against imminent attacks from the other side of the North Eastern border or even better, addressing the naxal problem of the north east where innocent policemen and civilians are being decapitated) to attend a Hindu/RSS convention that promotes Hindutwa? It should be either ‘all or none’ if u r a secular party. Shouldn’t it? What this shows is that at the end of the day every single politician in our country is a bloody hypocrite.

This fatwa raised against Vande Mataram states that ‘no muslim can/will worship the Nation. They can only worship Allah, not the mother land. ’ But experts believe that Vande Mataram actually means to respect the motherland and not worship it. Irrespective of this, I believe that when this song was promoted, the people then had no intentions of disrespecting other religions. The first Indian national flag raised by Bhikaji Cama in 1907 is a proof of that. Or atleast that’s what I think. I may be totally wrong too.

The Flag of 1907 (Wikipedia)

I did all my 14 years of schooling (yet I have not learned much :P) in two Christian institutions. I have started each and every working day of those years offering prayers to Lord Jesus. As my previous post most obviously indicates, I have also dressed up as a santa. But I m a practicing Hindu. Does it mean I should never worship/respect other religions? Absolutely NO…! At the end of the day I believe there is only one god. It may be Shiva/Jesus/Allah/Nature. We do not know for sure. But the point is that religion is just a basis for an identity. Not a measure of our superiority.

In this week’s ‘We the People’ in NDTV, when a young muslim musician echoed my thoughts when he said he respected every religion and worshipped every god around because there was only one god, he was fried by the supposedly elder section of muslim junta in the panel. This sums it up totally. For us, the younger generation of India, the future of India, NATIONALITY is our identity and not religion. We may have enrolled to visit temples or churches or mosques but we most definitely have not enrolled to disrespect or disbelieve other religions and gods. Atleast the sane people.

The one major upsetting outcome of this fatwa might be that AR Rahman may not ever be allowed to sing his beautiful version of the Vande Mataram again.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Nostalgia I : Jingle all the way...!!

How often do u look back at some of the incidents in life at hard times and feel so relieved, so joyous, so worthy of living the life.. ?? I do so very frequently… So this is where I share some of those moments.. Not all.. Some are strictly for the pleasure of mine…!!
Christmas is a time to celebrate.. a time to revel in excitement..!! And more importantly time to meet Santa Claus…! What are the qualifications of a santa claus?? He should be funny.. He should have a funny body shape with a pot belly..!! He should be ugly (??) .. My primary school was big on Christmas celebrations.. They had their school day celebrations every year close to Christmas ..!! Most of the programmes were hosted and performed by standard 5 students as they were the seniors in the school..!
I was about 10 years old and in my 5th std. And surprise surprise..!! I was the biggest guy in the class..!! So no wonder the teachers convinced me to do the honors of jaunting around as the Santa Claus.!! My job was simple…!! Wander around with as many feet movements as possible, throwing chocolates to students all around..!! There is another reason why the teachers made me do this.. The previous yr, I signed in for a singing competition.. When I started to sing infront of nearly 350 people , the infamous Bharathiyar kavidai “ Bharatha Samudayam Vaazhgave…”, instead of singing “ Oppilaada samudayam vaazhgave”(Long live a society much more superior than others) , I ended up singing “ Uppilada samudayam vaazhgave”( Long live a society with no salt) . So fearing that I might again enroll for a singing competition, they were quick to make me the santa..
I was bloody excited though.. Santa was like the most celebrated performer of any function irrespective of how shabby he went around with things…! But my mom was not over the moon.. Maybe she understood that its not the best achievement or a role that one could be proud about…! But nevertheless, it was ON…!!
On THE day, I dressed up.. Though I was rotund enough, I had to shove in a pillow for a pot belly and there I was all set as Santa… I was locked inside a class room so that the other kids don’t see me and go all in excitement…!! Not that I was a peeping tom, I still peeped out of the window to see what was going on and that’s when all hell broke loose…! Students centered around my class room demanding and pestering the teachers to see the santa..!! It was then I realized that I had screwed up big time again..!! Luckily though that was my last year in that school..!!
Though I felt bad at that time for the lack of my abilities in histrionics and other stage shows, a time would come where I would surprise myself…!! Wait for that post which will be out in the near future..!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Man vs God...!!!

I was reading a book on Nano-Technology, the other day and the introduction chapter was so attractive that I thought, it should go on my blog. So, here goes..

“ Man has learned a lot from nature. Yet his manufacturing practices are primitive. Everyone knows that a lot more needs to be done to get closer to nature. For Ex, no one has reached the efficiency of photosynthesis in storing energy. No one can facilitate energy transfer (or electron transfer) as efficiently as bio-molecules. No factory does water purification and storage as efficiently as coconut trees or water melons. The brain of one person can, in principle store and process more information than today’s computer. It is unlikely for any movie camera to capture visuals more vividly than the human eye. The olfactory receptors of the dog are much more sensitive than any sensors we have developed.

Photo-voltaic devices convert light with only 16% efficiency.. Our best internal combustion engines work at only 52% efficiency. While cooking, we use 38% of thermal energy produced by gas. But our body utilizes almost the entire chemical energy, it produces. Nature as a whole fixes 110-120 billion tons of carbon per annum through photosynthesis. We humans emit only 0.65 billion tons of carbon dioxide through respiration. But carbon emissions due to human activity alone constitute 8 billion tons, 77.5% of which is due to burning of fossil fuels alone. Obviously the technologies we have developed are much less efficient than those operating in nature. But most importantly, the benefits accruing from the processes and machines developed by us are incongruent with the huge amounts of resources we utilize for these developments. “
It was very enlightening for me. I had never looked at technology in that perspective before…!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Anticipation is better than the Experience....

In a month’s time, I ll be back (albeit 4 a small time) to the place where I belong, the place where I have had loads of fun, the place where my loved ones are… INDIA. The very thought of going to places with frenz, having homemade (read not made by me) food, the feeling of security and confidence that I so often get in my sweet home, long but enjoyable train journeys, sound of panjumuttay vaalas in the beach etc. brings chill to my spine. I couldn’t be more excited. With every passing day in my calendar, my face grows brighter (not because I apply Fair & Lovely). The planning of trips within trips, budgeting, planning what 2 get 4 who, etc. etc. gives me a feeling which totally neutralizes and compensates the one I get while doing research.

Having said that, I believe and know that my stay there wouldn’t give me half the joy that I expect. Its not saying that there wouldn’t be any joy. Its just that when I expect a little too much all the time and I believe this is the case with everyone. Whenever anybody plans 4 a trip, always the days leading to the trip are much better than the trip of course. Maybe its because, we think and constantly worry about what’s in store for the future, during the trip we already have the picture of returning back in our mind which ruins everything @ hand. U even curse urself for expecting so high.

I just have one hope. If at all I m having an honeymoon, that should outrank the days preceding it. Adios…


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Everything is Amazing... But Nobody is Happy....!!!

The song “Adraaraa Naaka mooka adraaraa Naaka Mookaaa” reverberates in the hall. I wake up not realizing what that sound is. After a brief moment, I understand that it is my alarm tone and my cell phone is promptly obliging to what I asked it to do. “wake me up @ 11 am”. (11 am??? Gosh…!!) I find it annoying to the core; yet I realize I ve 2 get up.

Am off to take a shower. I open the valve and I have the option of getting both hot water and cold water. I also have the option of either using the tub (don’t worry.. I ll never fit in a tub. So I often say ‘No.Thanks’.) or using the shower. Then I come out, switch off the Air-Conditioner unit that has kept me cool irrespective of the scorching weather outside. I put on a jeans pant (which I never need to wash for like 2-3 weeks and I call myself clean and hygienic) and am off to catch the bus.

Here comes the bus. I stroll into it. Try to seat myself in a lovely cushion chair under the air-conditioner. I reach my destination which is like 5-6 miles away, in a matter of 10 mins. On the way I see beautiful freeways, highways, tall aesthetically pleasing buildings, flashy cars, sports bikes, bridges etc.

I open the door of my office. (As a grad student, I m given an office and computing resources to facilitate my research. (??)). I then log into the University’s internet domain. The connection is so fast that one whole movie can be streamed in a matter of 10 mins. I open my Gmail account to see if there is any new email. I find plenty of new emails. Some of them, from various corners of India like Chennai, mysore, Nagercoil, Delhi, Coimbatore, surat, pune etc. and some others from New York, North Carolina, Dallas, Los Angeles, Michigan etc. The Winamp in my computer keeps playing one cool song after another. I realize time after time how good AR Rahman is..

I open my bank account to see if there is any money and I happen to realize that my monthly salary has been deposited directly. All that I had to do was click on a button to make that happen. I feel like having a coffee. I stroll down from the 8th floor to 1st in an elevator that takes me down in a blink of an eye. Just a swipe of credit card does the trick in the coffee shop.

Thus goes on my day. I find everything so easy and amazing. But yet I am not very happy. One thing or the other keeps bugging me. It may be as silly as missing a bus to not getting a job. I guess, as ur comfort level and luxury increases, so does the desire to achieve greater things. We never really are satisfied and happy for what we are and what we have, are we? Atleast I never take a moment and cherish what I have. Its always been ‘what I will be in 2 years 4m now, 5 yrs 4m now’. At the end of my good years, I m afraid I will feel that I didn’t stop and have fun. (there comes another fear).

100 years before, I wouldn’t have been able to say anything that I said in the 1st few paragraphs, except maybe having a coffee. That much has the comfort level increased over the years. The world is much easier and comfortable to live in. (of course there are new threats and fears). Yet how many people are really happy? I wonder…..!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

The NobleST profession....

I was watching a movie some days back. It was a movie about doctors. In a med school, the Dean of Medicine asks a freshman student “Why do u want to become a doctor?” .The student replies “This is the noblest profession. I want to do service to people”.

I remembered my 5th grade then. I guess this happens in all 5th grade classrooms. The teacher used to ask “What do u want to become in the future?” Half of the class used to say that they wanted to become doctors adding that it is the noblest of all the professions and a quarter of the remaining used to say ‘teachers’. Their point of view was that it is the noblest of profession. I guess with time, ur objectives change and monetary reasons overpower benevolence and goodwill. However that is not the point.

We all believe teaching and practicing medicine are the noblest professions. But I beg to differ. Ya. Engineering is my choice. Not because I m one, but because, if ‘making lives better’ is the baseline for grading nobility of professions, I guess Engineering is way ahead compared to any other. Motor vehicles, large buildings, bridges, computer, internet, television, Communication channels, roadways, railways, airways etc. are result of engineering and these have become more than an inevitable part of our lives. Add to that, all the medical devices like MRI scans, ECG, etc. etc. (I m not a doc. So I don’t know much. This is all that I can think of after watching 5 seasons of House MD). again are a result of engineering. I m not gloating, but it is the fact.

Talking abt nobility of deeds, I had a faculty friend while I was in CEG. His name is Mr. George. He is working on his PhD under the great former president of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam. His work mainly deals with developing a chip to be implanted in the brain of mentally challenged kids which will enable them to be happy all the time no matter what. (I hope that I didn’t give away much. If u r reading this, George sir, pardon me for revealing ur research topic). The last two projects that I have been part of have dealt with developing assistive devices for physically and mentally challenged students. If at all it seems to people that Engineering is not as noble as some of the other professions, I guess its because it is not projected that way.

PS: No offense meant to my teacher mom and doc sister…

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fight 4 the chair......

About 10 yrs back, the day of election (or should I say days) was/were very exciting for me. Not only that my school, being a govt aided school and hence a polling and counting booth, we d get a truckload of holidays, but also I enjoyed the whole concept of people thronging for a long time in polling centers to make a fool of themselves by voting for an idiot time after time. Man, I used to say to myself, those days, “ I m gonna vote for an idiot one day too. “. So when I read abt the imminent election days , I was excited abt a possibility of my first vote.. But as it turns out, I m away 4m my home now and I guess, I will have to wait further to cast a vote.
Now that we r in this topic, It was a no-brainer to find out that the contesting candidates for the top chair are well past prime age. The NDA goes for Advani who I guess is 90 years old and the UPA (is it still an alliance???) backs Mr.Singh. Though highly capable and skilled, he is also in his 80’s. The third front is a comical one. So I am not even going to consider them here. I remember studying in Civics about the various party systems in d world and in some place it said that the bi-party system is the most effective one in democracy. I said 2 myself “ We have more options in our multiparty system? Then how come they say that the bi-party system is the better one?? “ . Only now do I get a clear picture. Man, Bi-party system is way better.
Another interesting aspect abt this election is that almost all the leaders have started talking abt Post-Poll ties.. I can’t do anything but laugh. “If ideological difference is why CPI left the UPA, how come post-poll ties are possible?” , will ask an intelligent man. But we, the common people of India know that these power longing idiots will do anything to get the chair.
During the last yr elections, there happened a mini-scale revolution. A group of IITians formed a party known as d LokParitran. As one would expect, they didn’t even win any constituency. But however, as manirathnam points out in Ayudaezhuthu, it’s the right step forward. This time, a young entrepreneur from d IIM A, Sarath Babu is contesting. I m curious to find out how many votes he d get.
Having said all this, I still feel quite sad to miss out on voting in this election. I personally feel, that it is one time, that I will ever matter to the nation or the society. So irrespective of which idiot, I vote for, I will always feel happy of doing it.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

What IPL brings to the table

Its been a long time since i wrote a post. Was busy with all the assignments, projects, research and ofcoz IPL. Last year it was considered a copycat move by the richest sporting board of the world to get out of the predicamen caused by the so called "rebel" ICL. But it turned out to be quite exciting and enthralling. I personally shelled out a lot of money to see some matches (and of coz the hot CHEERLEADERS) live in action at the Chepauk. It was a lot of fun.
But this year, its even more exciting for me,the reason being that I m now in US and not in chennai anymore. This means that no longer do i sit and watch the matches in my hostel TV hall, where the only team hailed is the Chennai Super Kings. (Except for some DADA fans and Sachin fans ofcoz). But here there are people from all sorts of regions. There r goluts, marattis, bengalis, kannadigas (sorry 4 soundin like a racist). So its like a totally different experience.
If Chennai defeats Hyderabad, When I take the bus to my college, I can mock the goluts and Vice-versa. Its so good. At the end of the day we know that its a friendly banter. But nevertheless, this year's IPL doesn't seem like dead rubber to me.
Sticking to the topic, many ppl find it annoying that IPL was shifted to SA. But its actually gud (@least in my perspective). The pitches are more lively. The chicks are far more HOT. We have Mark Nicholas as a commentator (though I miss Tony Greig and Geoffrey Boycott). What more do u want if u r going to watch it in the TV anyway.
The other factor that has made IPL all the more interesting to me is this blog
It is amazing. Its just not the quality of his language but his writing as a whole. It is sarcastic, witty, informative and sardonic. Do take a look at it guys.
The one thing and the only thing that bothers me in the IPL is the appearance of these celebrity bufoons who happen to be te Franchise owners of some teams. ( Since i like Preity Zinta, I consider her an asset to the IPL). The other 2- SRK and d Big Sister annoy me like anything. It may be a commercial extravaganza. It may have only business motives. But @ the end of the day one cannot say that IPL is not fun.


Monday, March 30, 2009

ABCDs are KDs....!!!

I was having my lunch at a South Indian restaurant in Austin,Texas a few days back.. They have this beautiful picture of Madras Central station hung up on their walls. There was this geek looking fellow who was showing his kid around the restaurant. He stopped by the wall paper, looked at it for a second and told his son " There is something very strange about this picture." Curiously the son asks " Wats that, dad??" The reply was shocking to me. " There is no trash on the roads in the picture." The son again "Why has there got to be trash on the road?" The dad " Thats the way it is in India!"

I was really in a happy mood that day til that happened. Whatever he said might be partially true if not 100%. But still, how many gud things r there to say abt our country.. For heavensake, Madras Central station is one of the largest, most populous, very beautiful railway stations in the whole world. It is so historically unique. Of all the things he could say, see what he chooses to share with his 3 yr old kid. Unbeliavable. Such is the mindset of Indians settled here. I m not generalising but still with most of them, it is the case.

One of my buddies was tellling me abt his cousins who have been born and raised in US. They believe that India is a land of the poor, for the poor. It lacks any kind of development and it is a thirld world country. They even are shameful of the fact that their roots trace back to India..It is really painful when it comes from somebody who is an Indian. The Americans, that i have seen so far have terrific views abt India. For them, its a land of culture, a land of traditions, a land of diversity, integrity and now a land of opportunities.

In my university, there are many events that are organised by the Indian Cultural Association, per se. Whenever u attend such an event, u feel " This is definitely not Indian...!!" Why is that?? The answer is simple. Most of them are conducted by the local Indians and they are kind of caught up between the two cultures. Neither are they indian..nor are they american.. It looks just not natural when two of them hug and say "Oh My god..Oh my god.. I m so happy". It makes so much sense to me when we address them as ABCDs (American Born Confused Desis). Just to state here, they call us DCBAs (Desis Confused By America).. Why wouldn't we be, when we see guys like u?????

I am thankful to people who took time and read through my 1st post. I will get better with time, guys.. Keep reading and post ur valuable comments.. Thanks...!!
