Monday, March 30, 2009

ABCDs are KDs....!!!

I was having my lunch at a South Indian restaurant in Austin,Texas a few days back.. They have this beautiful picture of Madras Central station hung up on their walls. There was this geek looking fellow who was showing his kid around the restaurant. He stopped by the wall paper, looked at it for a second and told his son " There is something very strange about this picture." Curiously the son asks " Wats that, dad??" The reply was shocking to me. " There is no trash on the roads in the picture." The son again "Why has there got to be trash on the road?" The dad " Thats the way it is in India!"

I was really in a happy mood that day til that happened. Whatever he said might be partially true if not 100%. But still, how many gud things r there to say abt our country.. For heavensake, Madras Central station is one of the largest, most populous, very beautiful railway stations in the whole world. It is so historically unique. Of all the things he could say, see what he chooses to share with his 3 yr old kid. Unbeliavable. Such is the mindset of Indians settled here. I m not generalising but still with most of them, it is the case.

One of my buddies was tellling me abt his cousins who have been born and raised in US. They believe that India is a land of the poor, for the poor. It lacks any kind of development and it is a thirld world country. They even are shameful of the fact that their roots trace back to India..It is really painful when it comes from somebody who is an Indian. The Americans, that i have seen so far have terrific views abt India. For them, its a land of culture, a land of traditions, a land of diversity, integrity and now a land of opportunities.

In my university, there are many events that are organised by the Indian Cultural Association, per se. Whenever u attend such an event, u feel " This is definitely not Indian...!!" Why is that?? The answer is simple. Most of them are conducted by the local Indians and they are kind of caught up between the two cultures. Neither are they indian..nor are they american.. It looks just not natural when two of them hug and say "Oh My god..Oh my god.. I m so happy". It makes so much sense to me when we address them as ABCDs (American Born Confused Desis). Just to state here, they call us DCBAs (Desis Confused By America).. Why wouldn't we be, when we see guys like u?????

I am thankful to people who took time and read through my 1st post. I will get better with time, guys.. Keep reading and post ur valuable comments.. Thanks...!!



  1. Nice post da.... This idea of India you are talking is generally held by people who settled here. Most of the people coming now to US definitely want to go back some time soon after making some money. However, I do believe that India is great but we need to learn a lot of things from other countries. Anywayz, good luck macha looking for more posts :)

  2. really better post da..

    the same people who throw the trash in the road in India put the trash in the trash cans in the US...

    law is the same..mentality is different..

  3. By seeing the most hifi Central station and Taj group of hotels, we cant come to a conclusion that india is clean... For example, indians go to singapore and wont throw trash on roads. but the same set of people when they come to india, they loose all these good attributes and make dirty things like urinating behind the transformer, spitting on the road (Esp pan masala). We can't change them. That ABCD's father should have shown him the picture of slum in India or made that son to watch Slumdog Millionoire...

  4. Ya da..after reading the post, my friend reminded me of the speech made by Kalam abt toffee papers and how we throw it out in airports in india and how we find a trash can 2 dump it in Singapore..!! But my whole point of the post is " Love India 4 its positives and not be very critical of its downside..!"

  5. I have found India as the land of Religious and caste fanatics, egoistic, plagiarists, 0% humanitarians, genocide supporters, uncivilised beasts etc. Can you ever find positive in India? The same place that poster had, take the current photo and hang it nearby. People will understand for what purpose Indians pretend to show a clean place.

  6. Awesome da, keep up the good work

  7. @ Ferdin Joe : Whatever it is, it is our native place. It is the reason why we are what we are. We need not repay it in kind (infact we can never do that) but atleast we should give it the respect it deserves. And i dunt agree with you in any of these. You might be biased based on some observations of it in present century but think about what india was till just a few centuries back !! America dint even exist then. Who knows it might repeat !!

  8. if anyone have found India as the land of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, they shud remember tat their parents/forefathers/roots belong to India...
    Dont complain abt ur mother(land)..

  9. @ Ferdin..
    I d say I ve got to go with Mediocre But Arrogant and Srivastava on this one.. If India was so and so as u said, U d ve never had the guts 2 post that comment in here...!!

  10. Good to see that you have though thru this and taken time to pen down your thoughts.Well said !!!

  11. Good stuff guys. it is good 2 be passionate n try to defend. but knowing that this is partially true (if nt fully), y cant we take it up and make a difference. infact, even few spirited ppl can.'Yes, we can' ...

    look at this inspiring article by a non-indian for a few ideas ...
