Friday, May 15, 2009

The NobleST profession....

I was watching a movie some days back. It was a movie about doctors. In a med school, the Dean of Medicine asks a freshman student “Why do u want to become a doctor?” .The student replies “This is the noblest profession. I want to do service to people”.

I remembered my 5th grade then. I guess this happens in all 5th grade classrooms. The teacher used to ask “What do u want to become in the future?” Half of the class used to say that they wanted to become doctors adding that it is the noblest of all the professions and a quarter of the remaining used to say ‘teachers’. Their point of view was that it is the noblest of profession. I guess with time, ur objectives change and monetary reasons overpower benevolence and goodwill. However that is not the point.

We all believe teaching and practicing medicine are the noblest professions. But I beg to differ. Ya. Engineering is my choice. Not because I m one, but because, if ‘making lives better’ is the baseline for grading nobility of professions, I guess Engineering is way ahead compared to any other. Motor vehicles, large buildings, bridges, computer, internet, television, Communication channels, roadways, railways, airways etc. are result of engineering and these have become more than an inevitable part of our lives. Add to that, all the medical devices like MRI scans, ECG, etc. etc. (I m not a doc. So I don’t know much. This is all that I can think of after watching 5 seasons of House MD). again are a result of engineering. I m not gloating, but it is the fact.

Talking abt nobility of deeds, I had a faculty friend while I was in CEG. His name is Mr. George. He is working on his PhD under the great former president of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam. His work mainly deals with developing a chip to be implanted in the brain of mentally challenged kids which will enable them to be happy all the time no matter what. (I hope that I didn’t give away much. If u r reading this, George sir, pardon me for revealing ur research topic). The last two projects that I have been part of have dealt with developing assistive devices for physically and mentally challenged students. If at all it seems to people that Engineering is not as noble as some of the other professions, I guess its because it is not projected that way.

PS: No offense meant to my teacher mom and doc sister…


  1. Be it engineering or doctor (two main streams)are equally noble when chosen by right person with good attitude.There pretty good projects and research in medical stream too,which can change one's fate while engineered robots can ease one's life(extended by doctors).
    There is every reason for not being biased on one,instead a perfect blend of both streams has wide potential to make the world a bliss!!!(I m after all a medical aspired and CS opted student)Hope u get the feel of both !!

  2. karthik mahadevanMay 16, 2009 at 9:48 AM


    afterall.. the grass is not always greener on the other side.

  3. Sorry rammy, i differ from your opinion. I think every profession is just work and it is the human element that gives nobleness to it.

  4. I agree with you firmly... Coz the medical shop guys know better than the doctors. Recently I got stomach upset and if i had consulted a doctor, it would have come across around Rs 200 - 300 minimum but then I would be relieving after a week only. But I just told the symptoms to the medical shop guy and got some anti biotics for Rs 40 and got relieved within 2 days. My savings came around more than 200%. Its useless to pay consultation fees to doctors.

  5. oooo...
    finally I am proud to be an Engineer..

  6. From what I can think of, Engineers(u & i) can manage to leave portions in choice n still manage our profession bt not docs. Gn the time, effort n standards tat they put into, i thk the respect they enjoy is well deserved. Enggs cannot save lives but can, not create havocs and improve em!!
